Monday, February 13, 2006

Remodel Hell - The Gate, the Light Switch and Two Construction Companies

I actually didn't think Honey Do would respond to my tirade on the gate/fence, but, sure enough, on Monday morning, Leslye left an unemotional answer and said Mike would check it out.

In the meantime, Ernie called to say that he, himself, was coming by to replace the light switch. I decided to leave him the hidden key and go on my hour-long walk. I had been neglecting my walks because of remodel hell, and decided enough is enough.

When I returned, I immediately went to the bedroom. Instead of the little limp toggle from before, the light switch worked -- yay!! I now have an overhead light in the master bedroom!

A half hour later, as I was ordering the first of the furniture that would go into the middle room -- now my office, a rather smallish one, to be sure -- the two Fence guys from Honey Do showed up, minus Mike. They rang the doorbell, but I was still on the phone, so I told them I'd be through in a couple of minutes. When I made it to the outside front lawn, they were fixing the latch on the gate -- the wrong gate.

I laughed, thanked them (as that latch had never worked right, put in by -- you guessed it! -- the same company a year ago) -- and pointed to the gate on the other side. At this point, I decided the gate works fine, and just asked them to pull out the two offending screws that could catch someone's clothing, or worse, as they went by. They did so, and were on their way.

So, what's left?

The permit process for the electrical line that was just hooked up -- Ernie scheduled that for this Thursday. I hope I'm done with jury duty by then!

And there's also a matter of staining the beautiful redwood fence. I forgot all about that. I think I'm going to do this one myself...

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